OK, I'm getting very, very worried now... I give Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer the job of guarding the site and welcoming people on the way in and then I leave the computer just for a little while and they hack in and take over my website!
hee hee hee!
And here they are... I've asked them to come and explain themselves in a proper and civilised manner...
Not flippin' likely!
Yeah! We're takin' over and tha's that!
Y'know, tha' there woulda been the perfect opportunity t'go "an' there's nothin' at all to be done about that!"
Oh yeah! Well let's do that now!
We can't now cos you've gone an' spoilt it!
Ahem! Ahem! I was just wondering if you were thinking about um giving me my website back???
Erm, sorry. Gotta admit there was nothin' furtha from my mind.
Um... please?
Not gonna work. Sorry.
(Right... time to try a different tack) You do realise no one ever comes here?
Nice try, Jesta. People come 'ere all the time, don' they? There's some one 'ere right now, ain't there? 'Ello there!
Oh no no no.... you couldn't have come at a worse time... but please stay and help me sort these two out!
Whadya mean sort us out?
Yer jus' lucky it wasn't Macavity 'oo decided to take over!
DON'T even mention it!!!!
Macavity, Macavity, na na na na!
Ha ha ha ha!!!
OK, OK... where did Macavity come from? And WHY is he typing in lilac? This is turning into one of Jellicle_girl's fics!!
Ahem!! I said ha ha ha ha!
Oh, shove off, 'Cavity.
Yeah, go 'way. We took over first! Nyah!
This is getting way too: weird, annoying, irritating, useless!! Someone get rid of Macavity, please!
Someone? What- is there anyone out there who wants to get rid of me?
Right then. Press the button if you want to get rid of Macavity.
Phew, that's him out of the way.
Jesta... Oi don' think anyone ac'shlly pressed the button... Oi think they're all enjoyin' watchin' you suffer too much
Then whoi'd 'e go?
Alright!! I pressed the button! I did it, OK??
OK, OK, calm down... deep breaths an' all tha'
Excuse me??? This is coming from someone who's just taken over my CATSsite? Calm down?? Are you crazy???
...Well Oi know some one 'oo is...
Oh shut up. Anyway, what are you actually planning to - do to my precious page?
Well, there's quoite a few changes tha' need t'be made-
-but they're all deadly secrets!!!
*sigh* Oh well. I give up. It should be fairly obvious which sections they've messed with by the way that they leave mucky pawprints all over the place...
...see...? There's a couple right there...