In which I ramble, a lot :)

The Excuses/The Busyness!

Well, I've been working on getting into university. I'd never have imagined it to be such a time-consuming, fiddly and above all IRRITATING process!! They keep sending you all these forms... I hate paperwork!!!

...Yeah, but *grin* I guess I did OK in the end somehow; I got in everywhere I applied to, including Oxford which I guess is where I'll be going next year if I get the A Level results I need...

School was being, of course, generally painful... (when isn't it? ^^)

And... really, really annoyingly and unexpectedly, my bedroom computer has died for no discernable reason. And it had lots of stuff I neeeeed on it! Including various fic notes and things for this site... We're going to try to salvage everything by removing the harddrive sometime so... fingers crossed...


A Return to the Junkyard...

Funny, I sort of cognitively knew I'm madly obsessed with CATS, but in all this Busyness and everything, some of the joy had maybe gone walkabouts... But, you know, it didn't actually take a whole lot to recapture that.

Looking at my old favourites art and fics... pining over times gone :) But squeeeeeeing over THIS Mungo'n'Teazer and of course this TUGGER!!!

Reading fanfic... rereading old favourites like Megera's and Yuffie Valentine's, and being wonderfully freaked out by new favourite Roman de Croix's Macavity...

Finally coming to an epiphany and MAKING time to rewatch the DVD... And that's what really did it ;) (I wrote a whole livejournal essay that was basically "SQUUUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" after watching up til Bustopher Jones!) Then of course followed more fanficage and site-surfing and the decision to actually DO something about all these things I'd been planning to add to this site since the summer. I hope to get back in the CATSfic scene... if not as a writer right now then as a reader and reviewer...


And finally...

- New frontpage layout! I wasn't sure about dividing the sections off into pages, but it does clear up the front page considerably; the whole list has gotten so long...

Also... layouts for this site are always a bit tricky. Now that this site is (!) three years old (!) and I'm certainly not a web-newbie anymore, I do want a layout that doesn't look like the first attempt at a website ever of course... BUT, on the other hand, one thing I absolutely LOVE about the CATS fandom is the way that layouts aren't the main focus, and that all these new websitemakers are making catssites to show their love for CATS and to try to bring something new and cool to the fandom, not to show off their layouts....... It has a touching kind of... innocence? ^.^ about it... Anyway, I think what I was trying to say is that at the same time I don't feel that, for me, my catssite is the place to show off with layouts. *deep breath* SO! I wanted something functional and simple, pretty, happy, undistracting... something that says: "I made this because I love CATS!!! It's not about me it's about CAAAATS!! EEEeeeee!!"

...Any input or feedback about this or any other aspect of the site would be valued and loved, as always :)

- Lots of links

- More goodfics, and much fixing of the links to old ones, on etc...


- Gus music box!

- Livejournal icons!

- *ahem* just secret thing...

- "about me" silly page updated...

- Various little/housekeepingy bits around the place

- Oooh, and I got an AWARD from Kiscia!!


And there will be... when I get my computer fixed...

- A TS Eliot page with notes on some poems... and the CATS references highlighted!

And here will be... sometime...

- How to make CATS t-shirts!

- More related to muuuusic!

- More crafy things when I can think of 'em!


I maaaay, one day, start the extremely arduous and long process of moving from angelfire. The ads are getting pretty bad, aren't they?


And... also... I'd just like to get all sentimental for a moment and say simply what an incredible amount CATS and this whole fandom and this whole experience have meant to me. I would not be the person I am today without it... that sounds like an overdramatical statement maybe, but it's very true... and I like to think that, for various reasons, I am a better person for all this. And of course I have met some really amazing people over the years, people I'm now confident enough to say that I love very much.


...wipe away a tear and go back HOME :)