Why, oh why...?

Ever get that feeling of doubt? You look up from your computer screen- "wait a minute, I've just written 30 pages about CATS!!!??" Or perhaps you don't have those voices in your head... perhaps you have a lovely "friend" or sibling who keeps asking you the dreaded question: Why???

Well... actually, there are a load of really intellectual sounding reasons as to why CATSfic just rules... Here are a couple:

Like any fanfic, it's a way of writing what you feel and yet other people can identify with characters and thus be more likely to READ your writing allowing you to get feedback and thus develop as a writer!

Like any fanfic, it's writing for Heaviside's sake! Any writing is "good" in terms of developing style and skill and all that, besides just having fun while you're at it.

CATS characters are wonderful. So many of them with personalities that remain rather open to interpretation...

Being as it is a show or musical and not a book or anything, you can write in whatever style takes your fancy no problem!

Although this of course brings problems as well ... a huge point is just how incredibly versatile the whole issue of plot and, um, canon in general is :) This is something we should celebrate, not fight about!Roxanne put it like this: "Since there's no huge, character binding plot, it allows much leeway in interpretation and what happens to the characters. In a regular story or play, things would have happened to the characters and would have to stay that way, and you couldn't really re-write the story because it almost all has to be the same and would get boring. But with CATS, there's no fixed plot, and with all the characters, the actual story can be told, as well as the many variations in it. Not even the relationships are fixed!"

There are more certainly (keep those ideas coming!), but the main one is just that CATS is completely wonderful and amazing- we can't explain the magic it holds, and fanfic is a little way of- sharing in that magic... (and don't I sound silly...) CATSfic is probably one of the most versatile, accessible and fulfilling genres! Keep writing!

Anyway: more ideas? e-meow jesta.ariadne AT gmail d0t com


Show your pride!! Display any of these banners!! (Yes, I am the one who made these originally, if you've seen them all over the place uncredited ^^;;)

©Triskell 2002
And look at this cool banner Tris made!!


If you do use these, please link back to here: http://jellicle.angeltowns.net/cats/fanfic/whycatsfic.html so more people can join the crusade!


So read some fanfic!!