- many thanks to all the artists here!


Mungo & Rumpel by Captain Growltiger Cute pencil drawing of MJ & RT in their pose at the end of their song.


Happy Etcy by Emi. So I finally get around to posting Emi's pics!! I love this one; it's Etcetera looking SO incredibly happy and/or Tugger-obsessed that you have to smile too!

Background by Emi. Etcetera again, this time in a more serious mood and in gorgeous watercolours! (Trivia for you: The photo this was based on was once the background to fanfics on Jellicle Masquerading~ - hence the title. So now you know.)

Grizabella (Chrissie Hammond) by Emi. Such an extremely powerful, painful image of Griz.

Victoria and Plato by Emi. Almost like Romeo and Juliet, with that worlds apart idea which the colours show wonderfully.

Lots more of Emi's art was at Moonlight (...has anyone seen Moonlight recently??)


Rum Tum Tugger by Eri ...Why is it that Tugger can turn us all into screaming fangirls like nothing else can? I think the answer we eventually came up with was... because he's "Über HOT!"!! Soo yeah. Anyway, this... is a UBER HOT preeeetty pic of the Maned One himself ^___^ And I can't get over the fact that it was a gift for me!! *bounces extremely* ♥

More of Eri's beautiful squee-making art at Goodnight


The Many Faces of Munku 1 by Falari Munkustrap as you've never seen him before....

The Many Faces of Munku 2 by Falari Final Fantasy-esque Munku?? Munk as a hairdresser???


Jemima by Rina<--- this is a link to her guestbook. Very pretty colours!

Misto by Rina A lovely pic of the conjuring kitty! Very elegant and *ahem* cute!

Skimbleshanks by Rina He looks so- like him! With a great big smile!

Lots more of Rina's art at Rina the Romantical Cat's Repose.


Admetus by Parcellus A rarely featured character, but certainly a cool one!

Demeter and Grizabella by Parcellus ...taken from Griz's song, I think.

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer by Parcellus Aw!! Such a nice bright, cute pic!

Pouncival by Parcellus Cute pic of the adorably mischeivous kitten!


Bustopher Jones by November BJ looking very pleased with himself here ^^

Growltiger & Griddlebone by November Don't you just *love* Grid's smile???

Rumpus Cat by November (I THINK that's his name now... formerly know as Mario Muncher, formerly known as Toad McToad, formerly known as Ghost_men, formerly known as Umbris de Lunum... *SIGH* My darling brother, basically.)...erm, what can I say? He has a *unique* style!


Demeter by Skytris Also in a pretty anime style; nice green eyes too :)


As Inspired by Rachel's "The Crumb"... by Sezan Buahahaha. My Christmas present. Brilliant illustration for this amazing story.


Jellicle Moon by Tigress Jellicle - a pic of our wonderful Jellicle Moon!

Jemima and Tigress by Tigress Jellicle - cute computer drawn pic of Jemima and original character Tigress

Rumpelteazer by Tigress Jellicle - Rumpelteazer looking serious...

Rum Tum Tugger by Tigress Jellicle - Tigress says that there's no deep reason as to why he's missing a face-- but we can always theorize! ^_^

Tigress Jellicle's site at: Tottenham Court Road


Plato by Vexzeklium Plato doesn't often get pics (or fics, for that matter...) but here is a very good one!

Quaxo by Vexzeklium Quaxo yey!!! Ahem. Anyway, he looks *very* cute here...

More of Vex's art at: Practical Cats.


If you've got fanpics you'd like/wouldn't mind displayed here, send 'em to me: jesta(dot)ariadne AT