This came about, basically, from me having to do an essay and not wanting to and instead, having just seen CATS @ Bristol, deciding to make a karaoke of one of the songs :) I decided on Grizabella cos I figured it would be the easiest. Also, I felt I should use my mad music skillz... well, at least my shiny samples... to serve the CATS community! 'Cos, while research showed me a karaoke album for CATS does exist, a little further research showed me that it's not that good! XP (Compare: the beginning of their version of Grizabella. ick! ...However, to be fair, that's one of the worst examples, and gah, I do sort of pine for a karaoke of Jellicle Cats which I very much doubt I'll ever get to do myself...) And anyway, ear-training for me = good.
Thusly! Sing your heart out to:
Grizabella, The Glamour Cat - karaoke version by JestaAriadne
(in A minor, instrumentation based most closely on the video version.)
I, uh, have a vague idea of having a "demonstration version" of karaoke(s) - ie, with the vocals. I could do some of them, but I'd like a wider cast for the whole thing... this may take the form of some sort of competition!
...'Course, if I were to make lots more karaokes and give them all similar treatment, it we would incidentally be, as it were, creating a partial fan soundtrack... *plotteth*
XD watch this space, basically :) And let me know if you'd be interested!
Other stuff: Please credit/link me for the karaoke if you want to post you singing this on the VAA or wherever. 'Tis all good publicity for the cause of CATS karaokes -- if people reeally like them, I might make more! ^.^