6 Catherine Winkworth songs

Winkworth songs mix
Then on, my soul, with fearless faith
Let nought to terror move thee

I kind of wrote six songs today and yesterday… enjoying in places the 70s-90s chorus mood…

— melodies & chords!  To Christmas songs/hymn lyrics by Catherine Winkworth found at this website (one more from the other day is here).

Above is a brief taste of each:

  • Ever would I fain be reading
  • Is they heart athirst to know
  • Redeemer of the Nations, Come
  • O wouldst thou in thy glory come
  • Blessed Jesus, this..
  • O Christ Thou True and Only Light

A Spotless Rose

Some might say that it’s January and time to stop writing Christmas songs.  But, they would be wrong.

Another one done in the space before choir, live with piano (and recorded just on phone again I’m afraid) — words by, well, translated by, Catherine Winkworth, who lived really near where I live, fun fact.

A spotless Rose is blowing
Sprung from a tender root,
Of ancient seers’ foreshowing,
Of Jesse promised fruit;
Its fairest bud unfolds to light
Amid the cold, cold winter
And in the dark midnight.

The Rose which I am singing,
Whereof Isaiah said,
Is from its sweet root springing
In Mary, purest Maid;
For through our God’s great love and might
The blessed babe she bare us
In a cold, cold winter’s night.

Bandcamp album up

It’s here!! album download on bandcamp here

This is the second year I’ve done PIANOWRIMO – a piece a day every day through the month of November – and the result is another set of 30 short pieces, glimpses into different styles and moods.

There are nods to, among others, Couperin, Telemann and the Penguin Café Orchestra, and a few little literary refs this year, to Tolkien, RL Stevenson, John Drinkwater and Katherine Philips…  And overall it’s very me.  It might be good music for writing or inspiration; many (though not all!) would be good for relaxing.  You can try and spot the references or fit the words of the poems, or you can make up you own stories.

It might be a nice Christmas present etc for … all sorts of people?

And did I mention the price is pay-what-you-want, anything from FREE on up!  (And seriously, you are completely welcome to download this for free!)

Last year’s album is also available!

Angels we have heard….

Angels we have heard your voices

GOTTA WRITE SOME CAROLS/Christmas songs!! #2

It’s upbeat and pentatonic-y!

1. Angels, we have heard your voices,
Sweetly singing o’er the plains;
Mount, and crag and hill replying,
Echo still your joyous strains:

Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!

2. Shepherds, why this jubilation?
Why this ecstasy of song?
Tell us what may be the tidings
That inspired the heavenly throng? Chorus

3. Come and see in Bethlem’s city
Him whose birth the angels sing;
And, on bended knee, adore him,
Christ the Lord, the new-born King! Chorus

4. See, within a manger lying,
Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth;
Aid us, Mary, aid us, Joseph,
To acclaim our Saviour’s birth Chorus

Words: Traditional French carol, “Les Anges dans nos Campagnes.” Adaptation of the translation by Bishop Chadwick by R. R. Terry again, many thanks to Hymns and Carols of Christmas for organising all these words!!

Recorded on phone, with real-life authentic reverb 😀  

O Night!

O Night, restful and deep

GOTTA WRITE SOME CAROLS/Christmas songs!! #1

Melody only at present.

O Night, restful and deep
The Babe folded in sleep,
In a poor manger dreameth!
Moonlight softly doth shine,
Around melody streameth:
“He is the Babe Divine!”

O Dawn, rosy and shy,
Greet Him where He doth lie,
At the birds’ call awaking!
As clouds fleeing from sight,
So all shadows are breaking:
’ He is the dark World’s Light!’

O Morn, lovely and blest,
Round Him, guarding His rest,
Angels are gently singing:
’ Hail Him! Heavenly Dove!’
Their notes joyfully ringing:
’ He is the King of Love!’

O Day, glorious the hour,
Jesus mighty in power,
Waketh in lowly manger!
He bids sorrowing cease;
Seek Him ever in danger!
He is the sad World’s Peace.

Words: O bienheureuse nuit, a French Noel; English Translation by K. W. Simpson.  sourced from this wonderful website

Recorded on a phone, and all the seemingly excessive is literal and genuine from recording in a reverberant church…