RPG soundtrack – and sheet music!

Writing RPG music and themes has always been one of my favourite things — the music of Final Fantasy VII is one of the things that inspired my composing in a big way as a teenager. I have a bunch of midis from back then organised into soundtracks for a few made-up games. Over the years I’ve written music for a couple games in this genre (neither of which was ever released, sadly, but the music was fun), and countless odd pieces in that sort of style when I feel at a loose end.

In April-May 2020, I decided to revisit this idea with intentionality and make a short but plausibly complete game soundtrack for a classic, Final Fantasy-style RPG, with tracks covering various important aspects of gameplay. INFINITY CRYSTAL: Awakening is its slightly tongue in cheek name (how many games are there where you have to restore/find/collect/fix/purify some crystal or crystals in order to save the world?). It sadly doesn’t exist as a game. Instead, I offer the soundtrack to anyone making such a game (or in any genre that you think this would fit).

It was a really fun project for me, allowing me to dig back into a big interest of mine and really focus on a coherent sound and all the aspects I wanted to cover.

Click through to my bandcamp for more information and to download the tracks. They’re available in a listening-soundtrack form and then as seamless looping files.

YouTube playlist

The cover artwork: by Eugene Frost 

There is also now a PIANO BOOK tie-in that you can download (again for free/pay what you what) on gumroad