FFVII Remake Demakes

Personal fan project, recreating new tracks from the Final Fantasy VII Remake using sounds and somewhat in the style of the Nobuo Uematsu original score.

As you may have picked up on, FFVII is a big favourite, and I also particularly enjoy older retro soundsets.

I transcribed the new tracks and created new arrangements, as well as using the new (old!) sounds.

‘Fires of Resistance’ – original track by Shotaro Shima
‘The Promised Land / Cycle of Souls’ – original theme by Nobuo Uematsu
‘Collapsed Expressway’ – original track by Mitsuko Suzuki

2022 – Now posting to Spotify!

I was (very very) unsure about the legality of using the soundfont for officially distributing cover songs — since it is made of files directly extracted from the game. So I haven’t (I will still on youtube fun posts though). Instead, I’ve gone on a huge journey of discovery of the Emulator EII/III/Proteus series and other 90s sound modules that were sampled to create the sounds used in FFVII…. Some of these you can now e.g. buy the sound samples from Digital Sound Factory; in some cases where I couldn’t find the real sound, or what it was, I’ve just made a closest guess.

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