pianowrimo 2019

Pianowrimo sheet music books

In a couple of days I will be embarking on PIANOWRIMO 2020, but first, I have finally got together the sheet music books for the past three years. They are £8 each to download, and each give you 30 short piano pieces in varying styles!

Piano for a day

wide the starry sky

One hundred sparrows


It’s November! and the some.

Which means it is time for aspiring novelists everywhere to attempt National Novel Writing Month aka NaNoWriMo (and it’s very much international these days) and write around 2000 words a day towards a 50 000 word novel by the end of the month.

And time for me to do Pianowrimo which is… just a pun really, though “piano writing month” is okay I guess.

For the last two years I’ve been doing a parallel project where I compose, notate and record one short (short!!) piano piece for every day of November. The results are here to listen to for 2017 and here for 2018.

I’ve had a slightly delayed started this year but I am catching up as we speak, so watch this space for the first six pieces at least any moment now 🙂