BEHOLD (some kind of crossover rpg fighting game… has a name now?)

I mean, the name is ridiculous and I dunno if I’ll stick with it – but I probably should. Ridiculous is absolutely fine for this. My some kind of crossover rpg fighting game soundtrack is nearly ready. And we’re going with Shadows/Infinity: Battle Zone, I guess. (Capitalistion is not confirmed, but high level of specific punctuation seems quite in-genre. And it comes from Shadows of Fortune, my first imaginary game series from my teenage years, x Infinity Crystal and Infinity Crisis. Plus “battle” because it’s a fighting game.)

And now… a listening page!

Go here to hear previews of the 29 tracks!

— and let me know any issues with playing these on various devices as well as whatever general feedback 🙂 Getting back into my webpage making and figuring out audio (…did you know the silent mode/physical mute button on the iPhone works in a REALLY INCONSISTENT WAY? Yeah.)

These are pre any final mixing and mastering (and only excerpts anyway), but here’s the general idea! Do you like the track art? 😀 it’s mostly from artbreeder.

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