Thundering Large Sea Snake

I took part in the latest 2 hour album challenge on one of the hottest days of the year. I wasn’t going to do anything at all, but then I figured that while I couldn’t standing sitting with the heat of my computer filling the room and headphones, I might do something with a lot of live singing.

And, as it turns out, cardboard box percussion. I found this broadside ballad — a very big fish story indeed! — on the Bodleian’s website, as part of a huge project collecting ’em.

I’m a couple years late for the sea shanty trend (and not sure this really qualifies as a shanty), but here’s “Thundering Large Sea Snake” from the MONSTROUS album:

You can get the whole album here with 60 more tracks, pay what you want, and donate to rescuing cats.

Watch this song being made (when the camera wasn’t overheating)

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