Pianowrimo sheet music books

In a couple of days I will be embarking on PIANOWRIMO 2020, but first, I have finally got together the sheet music books for the past three years. They are £8 each to download, and each give you 30 short piano pieces in varying styles!

Piano for a day

wide the starry sky

One hundred sparrows

[FFVII/R] midnight fireworks, full sound version

An arrangement of an arrangement! I did a piano mashup of Midnight Rendezvous x Interrupted by Fireworks back in May, and it was one of the first videos to get some views and love on my channel, as well as being a really pretty piece to play. Since then I’ve been doing a bunch of original FFVII style versions of some of the new-composed FFVII Remake tracks. This kind of combines the two. I based it closely on the arrangement I’d done on piano, but got to add more layers in, like the Main Theme, as well as the two main tracks and a bit of Aeris’ Theme.

3 Winkworth songs (oct 2020)

First recordings of three more Catherine Winkworth songs. One of these, Out of the depths, I actually tried to write last year or something but only really came up with the first line – which I have basically used in this version.

With these I haven’t modernised the lyrics or cut any verses — I made minor changes to a verse in From thy heavenly throne to make a new section.

Out of the depths

1 Out of the depths I cry to Thee;
Lord, hear me, I implore Thee!
Bend down Thy gracious ear to me,
Let my prayer come before Thee!
If Thou rememberest each misdeed,
If each should have its rightful meed,
Who may abide Thy presence?

2 Our pardon is Thy gift; Thy love
And grace alone avail us.
Our works could ne’er our guilt remove,
The strictest life would fail us.
That none may boast himself of aught,
But own in fear Thy grace hath wrought
What in him seemeth righteous.

3 And thus, my hope is in the Lord,
And not in mine own merit;
I rest upon His faithful word
To them of contrite spirit.
That He is merciful and just,–
This is my comfort and my trust,
His help I wait with patience.

4 And though it tarry till the night
And round till morning waken,
My heart shall ne’er mistrust Thy might,
Nor count itself forsaken.
Do thus, O ye of Israel’s seed,
Ye of the Spirit born indeed,
Wait for your God’s appearing.

5 Though great our sins and sore our woes,
His grace much more aboundeth;
His helping love no limit knows,
Our utmost need it soundeth;
Our kind and faithful Shepherd He,
Who shall at last set Israel free
From all their sin and sorrow.

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Lullabies and Songs of Old

  1. sleep little pigeon Sara Garrard 3:08
  2. long ago Sara Garrard 2:46
  3. nightfall in dordrecht Sara Garrard 3:23
  4. norse lullaby Sara Garrard 2:20
  5. armenian lullabye Sara Garrard 2:25
  6. nellie Sara Garrard 3:05
  7. little croodlin doo Sara Garrard 1:02
  8. balow my bonnie Sara Garrard 2:53
  9. by the sea Sara Garrard 3:31
  10. sometime Sara Garrard 2:17

Lullabies and Songs of Old

( 10 . 10 . 2020 )

  1. sleep, little pigeon
  2. long ago
  3. nightfall in dordrecht
  4. norse lullaby
  5. armenian lullaby
  6. nellie
  7. little croodlin doo
  8. balow my bonnie
  9. by the sea
  10. sometime

from poems by Eugene Field (1850-1895)

© Sara Garrard 2020

I wrote these on October 10, 2020.  so far they’re just available here on my website, but I might do something else.  let me know if you’d like downloads.  


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Piano pieces filled out

I don’t seem to have posted these:

arranged/orchestrated versions of the piano pieces ‘Tends the flowers’ and ‘lone and silent hour’

Petals on the Wind

This reminds me… of like… “Celtic” arrangements of game music? very very inexactly I mean.

It gets nice and bombastic as compared to the piano piece haha!

known and island hour

This is a rather ambient/sound design-y version.

Both of these were made using the sound set I put together with the Cute dog grooming musics.

Cello and sound libraries

Four pieces, or a piece in four movements, for cello duet — or more accurately, to test out some of my virtual instruments…!

I have a whole heap of virtual instruments by now… I haven’t bought many new ones in many years, but honestly (while obviously a whole lot is always going on in terms of things getting nicer and more fancy and more useable all the time!), I think the level of quality producers had reached in say 2008 for orchestral banks and such… still holds up really well in general. And a lot of the difference is going to be in how you write for them and what you fiddle with anyway.

But yeah the other thing is that I feel like solo, acoustic, classical instruments are gonna be a lot harder to get away with — a solo cello vs a big string section/sound… Also, even as a wind player, I feel like strings are harder to do than wind instruments. I have a couple solo cello patches — one I bought, on massive sale yay, from LSS Solo Strings, which is the first you hear here; the other is the FREE pocketBlakus cello. My aim here was to try and make a demo of them sounding… kinda realistic? As realistic as I could do in one sitting anyway.

I also added in some background noises I had recorded from a real concert … does that aid in the illusion?


  1. 1 Sara Garrard 0:32
  2. 2 Sara Garrard 0:43
  3. 3 Sara Garrard 0:53
  4. 4 Sara Garrard 0:46
  5. 5 Sara Garrard 1:02
  6. 6 Sara Garrard 1:05
  7. 7 Sara Garrard 0:40