Four more ukulele songs

More short songs I wrote as I learn ukulele. I noticed a few of these have a theme of being sung to/about women or girls (as they’re originally from a book of children’s poetry).

Words by Kate Greenaway (1846 – 1901) from her beautiful books, Marigold Garden and Under the Window — also where the thumbnail art is from. This is another sort of jam session with three songs, one sort of work tape………. and some bonus dog content!

  1. The Little Queen
  2. Susan Blue
  3. Mary
  4. Out of Wonderworld

Another for the Winkworth songbook

This is the first Catherine Winkworth hymn that I actually wrote on ukulele, and it’s got a nice chill feel I think. I also had a go at modernising the language slightly here, and a few line rewrites of my own for rhymes that I broke on the way.

God, you are my rock of strength

God, you are my rock of strength,
And my home is in your arms,
You will send me help at length,
And I will feel no wild alarms.
Sin nor Death can pierce the shield
Your defence has o’er me thrown,
Up to you myself I yield,
And my sorrows are your own.

When my trials are too long,
Unto you I look and wait,
Knowing none, though keen and strong,
Can my faith in you abate,
And this faith I long have nursed,
Comes from you, a gift so free;
You my heart did open first,
You have set this hope in me.

‘Neath the shadow of your wings
Keep me ever close to you,
In the peace your mercy brings,
Keep me all my journey through;
Be my All, in all I do,
Let me ever seek your will.
Where the heart to God is true,
All is peaceful, calm, and still.


Still working on those ukulele skills… They definitely have a Ways to go. But I recorded some of my old (from all the way back in March, so old) songs again and I think there’s definitely progress!

I also wrote a couple new ones. They are in a slightly different style, not sure if there’s any one reason for that… Again I’m using some old children’s poems, in this case from ‘Enchanted Tulips‘.

By the fire
River river

Sometime I might add chords or music — that and organise all these into sets now there are getting to be more of them… those are some possible next steps.