Lamplight walk

[TONIGHT I AM trying to find sounds / put together another alternative palette for games, bit more synthy, also to include percussion, and make some doodles using it]

This one is really genuinely tuneless and more obviously just layering things on top of each other—I came up with the rhythm of the accompaniment as something that should be done and then tested out sounds and then… that’s it!

so this ended up longer and kinda chillout 😀

Stream Walk

Trying a quick piece of ye olde game music:

  • using ostinati
  • using the sounds I selected for Origin way back, which was intentionally sort of… second-tier for realism, but “smoother” than the really homemade/artefact-y warm old soundfonts I still love.  (My concept back then was somewhere around the “level” of ffviii/ix, though not supposed to sound LIKE it as such..)
  • also I wondered if something of the sound needs more quantisation and more regulated/linear dynamics?! of all things!! like I would have had if I was making an actual midi years ago.  So I tried that!  intentionally making it sound less “natural” !?