game music type doodle for a library. Trying out the sample science player which I got as a freeb when it was first released, many thanks 😀 it’s a bit of a fun challenge but I love the retro feel.
A Tale
words by Lina, Nessa, Jesta, Em
Crashing waves and darkning skies
Bring warning of the hail of pies
On these seas, I bob and float
Like fishes in an empty moatSilver moon shining bright
In the forests of the night…
To quote from Blake just is not good
Far better to quote from Robin Hood!Maid Marian and Little John
Lived in our twin town, BonnCastles, museums are all too old
To be standing in the cold
The orange game worries me so
But why that is, I do not know…!So leave aside these follies now
Wear a silmarill upon thy brow
A Tale this is of glory, I think
And we wrote it Nessa’s bright pink ink
an Epic Ballad of Epicness, with lyrics written in … that game where you write a line, pass the paper on, next person writes a rhyme to complete a couplet then a new line – fold over paper to only see that line – pass on to the next person etc…
from 2007!
Where did you learn to write music?
Hi! A good and somewhat open question..! I studied music at university at undergraduate level and before that I had some very lovely music teachers at school who encouraged me with compositon. I made stuff up on piano vaguely since I was young. improvising, recording tunes on tape and writing them down, experimenting with computers, and listening to/playing/studying in an informal way music that I liked – including, very important to my development, Nobuo Uematsu’s Final Fantasy scores – that’s all part of it…
more game music / soundfont doodle, brass chorale type
WHEN YOU enter an area in a game and this music like WELL THAT’S REALLY EXCESSIVELY OMINOUS THANKS
Flutey dooty
A happy flutey doodle… that also sounds kind of like having some sort of mental collapse / reminiscent of something out of Paprika? (which is an excellent soundtrack.)
Choons #5
a bouncy doodle to finish the set.
Choons #4
dooooodle (feat. ye olde soundfonts and stuff )