another small game music in the old style.
Stream Walk
Trying a quick piece of ye olde game music:
- using ostinati
- using the sounds I selected for Origin way back, which was intentionally sort of… second-tier for realism, but “smoother” than the really homemade/artefact-y warm old soundfonts I still love. (My concept back then was somewhere around the “level” of ffviii/ix, though not supposed to sound LIKE it as such..)
- also I wondered if something of the sound needs more quantisation and more regulated/linear dynamics?! of all things!! like I would have had if I was making an actual midi years ago. So I tried that! intentionally making it sound less “natural” !?
Campfire Tune
Trying out some sounds I have lying around to make a little naive kinda real acoustic sounding thing…
6 Catherine Winkworth songs
Then on, my soul, with fearless faith Let nought to terror move thee
I kind of wrote six songs today and yesterday… enjoying in places the 70s-90s chorus mood…
— melodies & chords! To Christmas songs/hymn lyrics by Catherine Winkworth found at this website (one more from the other day is here).
Above is a brief taste of each:
- Ever would I fain be reading
- Is they heart athirst to know
- Redeemer of the Nations, Come
- O wouldst thou in thy glory come
- Blessed Jesus, this..
- O Christ Thou True and Only Light
A Spotless Rose
Some might say that it’s January and time to stop writing Christmas songs. But, they would be wrong.
Another one done in the space before choir, live with piano (and recorded just on phone again I’m afraid) — words by, well, translated by, Catherine Winkworth, who lived really near where I live, fun fact.
A spotless Rose is blowing
Sprung from a tender root,
Of ancient seers’ foreshowing,
Of Jesse promised fruit;
Its fairest bud unfolds to light
Amid the cold, cold winter
And in the dark midnight.The Rose which I am singing,
Whereof Isaiah said,
Is from its sweet root springing
In Mary, purest Maid;
For through our God’s great love and might
The blessed babe she bare us
In a cold, cold winter’s night.