It’s the return of Bob the Dog from day 6!
pianowrimo 2020
Pianowrimo days 22-25
A real mix of slow/pretty and fast and upbeat these, I just realised.
Captain Nowhere
The time has flown! Here we are up to 3/4s of the way through November…. Pianowrimos 2020 17 – 21
Have another bit of sheet music, for day 17. This one had the working title “slushy wind quintet” because it slightly reminded me of… some sort of mood like that. Not sure if French or English.

Pianowrimo 13-16
We’re over half way through the month now!
Pianowrimo 2020 #12 – Farewell Song (Lead Sheet / Piano music)
The full book of 30 pieces including this piece is now available: Flower Moon
Inspired by violin tunes, Ashokan Farewell and Neil Gow’s famous lament …

Pianowrimo 4 to 11
It’s less usual for me to come up with titles first – this one I did. Coffee beannn yum yum.
PIANOWRIMO 2020 day 2
Short and fast! my original pianowrimo plan was kind of based on some easier pieces in a book I had… It’s expanded out since then, but (and I’m still not promising to do a video every day!!) if I aim to record at least more of these live/on video this year, I will need to keep them to a reasonable achievability level, which could be good!
Flower Moon – first piece of PIANOWRIMO 2020
The full book of 30 pieces including this piece is now available: Flower Moon
Here we are at last, day 1 pianowrimo 2020. And a video! (Though, file that under things to definitely not expect every day.)