This is a piano version of the new theme Masashi Hamauzu wrote for Avalanche in Final Fantasy VII Remake. This is intended to be a basic piano version, rather than a pianistic arrangement, like the OST piano album that was made for the original……. in honour of which, I’ve done up the sheet music to look as much like that as possible, because that’s fun.
This is mostly working on videoing, but a bit of music also for sure… Trying to work out how to film videos with myself playing more than one part on screen at the same time.
Experiment, playing a FFVII tune fairly casually:
Here’s a piece I arranged based on three tracks from FFVII, FFVI and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
And finally here is me x3 playing it “live” altogether! I couldn’t get the lighting 100% perfect and smooth between the shots, but I think it looks quite good nonetheless.
Last Catherine Winkworth song from this week. Again with harmonies! (… This is really not such a big deal, but I’ve been recording so many things live with just one instrument and voice lately that it is quite the change for me.)
I’ve realised both this and “Lost in darkness” are from the “penitence” section of her hymn book … slightly different musical moods at least though!
Some of these especially recently I have been adapting the lyrics a little more – usually just to modernise the language, or to give shape like add a chorus or as here a repeated line at the end of verse.
Lord Jesus Christ, in you alone, My only hope on earth I place, For other help I have none, No comfort I but in your grace. There is no man nor creature here, No angel in the heav’nly sphere, Who at my need can rescue me. I cry to you, I cry to you.
My sin is sore and very great, I weep and mourn its load beneath; O free me from its heavy weight, My Saviour, through your precious death; And with the Father for me plead, You that have suffered in my stead, And from my burden set me free. I cry to you, I cry to you.
Glory to God in highest heaven, The Father of eternal love; To His dear Son for sinners given, Whose watchful grace we daily prove; To God, the Holy Ghost on high; Oh, ever be His comfort nigh, And ever, free from sin and fear, We cry to you, We cry to you.
Original words by Johannes Schneesing, English translation by Catherine Winkworth, adapted by Sara Garrard
Did I say I’ve been doing quite a fewCatherine Winkworth songs lately? Piano and voice and again harmonies today, yay!
1. Lost in darkness and in dangers, Round me strangers, Through an alien land I roam. Outward trials, bitter losses, Inward crosses, I have wandered far from home.
See the fetters that have bound me, Snares surround me, Free the captive, hear my call; I know from sin my soul I never Can deliver, I am weak and helpless all.
2. Sin of courage has bereft me, And has left me Scarce a spark of faith or hope; Bitter tears my heart is shedding I am dreading I am past Thy mercy’s scope.
Jesus, pitying Saviour, hear me, Oh draw near me, Turn, Lord, in grace to me; For you know of all my sorrow, Night and morrow Will my cry go up to Thee.
3. Peace I cannot find, oh take me, Lord, and make me From the yoke of evil free; Calm this longing never-sleeping, Still my weeping, Grant me hope once more to see.
You, my God and King, have known me, Yet have shown me True and loving is your will; Though my heart, it often ranges, Through its changes, Lord, your love is faithful still.
4. In the patience that you lend me, All you send me, I embrace, I will be still; Bend this stubborn heart I pray you To obey you, Calmly waiting on your will,
Here I bring my life, oh take it, Yours, Lord, make it, Calm this troubled heart of mine; In your strength I too may conquer, Wait no longer, Show in me your grace Divine.
Original words by Gerhard Tersteegen, English translation by Catherine Winkworth, adapted by Sara Garrard
Two more Catherine Winkworth songs, one with simple voice and ukulele, the other a very short one but with two actual vocal lines.
Light of light, enlighten me, Now anew the day is dawning; Sun of grace, the shadows flee; Brighten thou my Sabbath morning; With thy joyous sunshine blest, Happy is my day of rest.
Fount of all our joy and peace, To thy living waters lead me; Thou from earth my soul release, And with grace and mercy feed me; Bless thy Word, that it may prove Rich in fruits that thou dost love.
Let me with my heart today, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” singing, Rapt awhile from earth away, All my soul to thee upspringing, Have a foretaste inly given How they worship thee in heaven.
Hence all care, all vanity, For the day to God is holy; Come, thou glorious Majesty, Deign to fill this temple lowly; Naught today my soul shall move, Simply resting in thy love.
Words by Benjamin Schmolck, English translation by Catherine Winkworth
Lord Jesu Christ, with us abide, For round us falls the ev’ning tide; Nor let Thy Word, our glorious light, For us be ever veil’d in night.
In these dark days that yet remain, May we Thy Sacraments maintain, And keep Thy Word still free and pure, And steadfast in the faith endure.
Words by Selnecker, English translation by Catherine Winkworth
Here is another Catherine Winkworth song! I decided to record some voca harmonies for this one… — also drums, bass and that’s actually my on ukulele doing the electric guitar noodling hehe.
I sometimes do sound desk at church (you know, back when we went to a building for church!) … putting this together felt quite like that; I did a bunch of live play throughs and tried to balance things out.
I really enjoy this one … it is a little strange and melancholy going solo on a song about church unity and togetherness for sure though!
Heart and heart together bound, Seek in God your true repose, In your love the price be found Of your Saviour’s love and woes;
We the body, He the Head, We the rays and He the Sun, Brethren, by our Master led, In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one.
Children of His realm, draw near,
Make your covenant stronger still,
From your hearts allegiance swear
Unto Him who conquer’d ill.
We the body, He the Head, We the rays and He the Sun, Brethren, by our Master led, In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one.
Only such love will suffice,
As the love that dwells in Him,
Love that from the cross ne’er flies,
Love that spares not life or limb:
We the body, He the Head, We the rays and He the Sun, Brethren, by our Master led, In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one.
Let us live, O Lord, at one,
As you with the Father are,
That through all the world be none
Of your members left apart.
We the body, He the Head, We the rays and He the Sun, Brethren, by our Master led, In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one. In our Lord we all are one.
This one is rather… hm, some kind of concept, you know? take a listen.
Rest awhile, you cruel cares Be not more severe than love. Beauty kills and beauty spares, And sweet smiles sad sighs remove: Laura, fair queen of my delight, Come grant me love in love’s despite, And if I fail ever to honour thee, Let this heavenly light I see, Be as dark as hell to me.Â
If I speak, my words want weight, Am I mute, my heart doth break, If I sigh, she fears deceit, Sorrow then for me must speak: Cruel unkind, with favour view The wound that first was made by you: And if my torments feigned be, Let this heavenly light I see, Be as dark as hell to me.Â
Never hour of pleasing rest Shall revive my dying gost, Till my soul hath repossess’d The sweet hope which love hath lost: Laura redeem the soul that dies, By fury of thy murdering eyes: And if it prove unkind to thee, Let this heavenly light I see, Be as dark as hell to me.
Speaking of #CatherineWinkworthSongbook, I don’t seem to have put this one up on the blog, so I better, to add it to the list:
O Love, who made me for to wear The image of Thy Godhead here; Who sought me out with tender care Through all my wand’rings wild and drear– O Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be
O Love, who ere life’s earliest dawn On me Thy choice hast gently laid; O Love, who here as man wast born, And like to us in all things made– O Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be.
O Love, who once in Time wast slain, Pierced through and through with bitter woe; O Love, who, wrestling thus didst gain That we eternal joy might know– O Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be.
O Love, in whom is truth and light, And Word and Spirit, life and power, Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Whose heart was bared to them that smite, Â Â To shield us in our trial hour; O Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be.
O Love, who thus hast bound me fast Beneath that easy/gentle yoke of Thine; Love, who hast conquered me at last, And rapt away this heart of mine– O Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be.
Angelus Silesius (1657), English translation by Catherine Winkworth (slightly adapted)