sheet music

Pianowrimo sheet music books

In a couple of days I will be embarking on PIANOWRIMO 2020, but first, I have finally got together the sheet music books for the past three years. They are £8 each to download, and each give you 30 short piano pieces in varying styles!

Piano for a day

wide the starry sky

One hundred sparrows

Avalanche’s Theme (FFVIIR): Piano

This is a piano version of the new theme Masashi Hamauzu wrote for Avalanche in Final Fantasy VII Remake. This is intended to be a basic piano version, rather than a pianistic arrangement, like the OST piano album that was made for the original……. in honour of which, I’ve done up the sheet music to look as much like that as possible, because that’s fun.

You can download the pdf sheet music here.

‘Home Away From Home’ (FFVII Remake) oboe and piano

I did a quick transcription of another pretty piece from the Final Fantasy VII remake. This piece is by Takafumi Imamura, using themes by Nobuo Uematsu from the original game (Main Theme and Holding Thoughts In My Heart). And I played it on piano and oboe 🙂

Home away from home (in Bb) score on musescore