Gacha game music ~

Excited to finally be able to share something I’d been working on over the summer and early autumn: music, and also sound design.

I believe you can actually play this game worldwide … but it is in Chinese so you might not get quite so much out of it if you don’t read Chinese!

I composed the two battle themes and the main/town background music, along with the sound design you’ll hear in the gacha roll part (see 9:41 in this gameplay video.)

And here you can hear a bit of the other battle theme which I think goes with player vs player battles and I haven’t seen in a gameplay video yet, but it’s fairly epic:

Trailer: Facebook has slightly completely destroyed the sound quality, but here is the trailer which contains a new musical theme and sound effects.

Wild Roses (piano)

little piano piece!

Sorry no roses in the video… more like a farewell to summer thing. Though the mood is rather more emotional even tragic in the middle there, you can put your own story to it 🙂

There is sheet music for this on the sheet music page. I wanted something pretty easy under the hands. It is kind of Einaudi lite, but just the two pages. I used an old Roland SC88 piano for this sound.

Songs and Carols for Christmas

I have just updated the sheet music page with a bunch of choral scores, in time for Christmas! ‘Twas in the Moon of the Wintertime / The Huron Carol we have sung several times in Sing Clifton; the rest are new, one getting its first performance this year.

Personal updates Aug 2022

Last month I went on a choir course, singing a whole lot of Palestrina in an Italian Palazzo for a week, as you do. If you see me, ask me more, because it was an amazing time.

Here we are:

We also had a little time every day to rehearse things on our own in small groups, and the result really was like a movie or an imagining of what musicians get up — you’d wander around the castle and literally hear five or so different songs emanating from the various rooms. Same in the morning hearing people doing their warmups in beautiful voices. I met some very lovely lasses who kindly sang my pieces, and we did a couple of scratch performance of the entire of As the morning star!

All of which definitely got me thinking again about choral music, both singing it and writing it. Something I wish to do more of! Watch this space, maybe?! At any rate after… EDINBURGH, which is fast coming up.

And also, conveniently fitting into the couple weeks between Italy and Edinburgh, I was thrilled to be quite out of the blue asked to write music for a game. I’m excited partly because of the type of music I get to write, and also because this is a paying gig off the back of my free RPG music packs on itch – feels like that’s the absolute ideal outcome, and it would be fab if it happened again. So, going to be working on that: music that I probably won’t be able to share or link to the finished game for a while, but I will let you all know when it does come out!

Secret Songs once again

Very live, work-tape recordings of a couple new songs, and a bunch of old ones from flicking through my chord sheets~

  1. A Song’s Echo
  2. Which is the Wind
  3. Roadside Rest
  4. Sun of my Soul
  5. The Stars are with the Voyager
  6. The Silver Tassie / Song before parting
  7. Romance / I saw a ship a-sailing
  8. Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep

Thundering Large Sea Snake

I took part in the latest 2 hour album challenge on one of the hottest days of the year. I wasn’t going to do anything at all, but then I figured that while I couldn’t standing sitting with the heat of my computer filling the room and headphones, I might do something with a lot of live singing.

And, as it turns out, cardboard box percussion. I found this broadside ballad — a very big fish story indeed! — on the Bodleian’s website, as part of a huge project collecting ’em.

I’m a couple years late for the sea shanty trend (and not sure this really qualifies as a shanty), but here’s “Thundering Large Sea Snake” from the MONSTROUS album:

You can get the whole album here with 60 more tracks, pay what you want, and donate to rescuing cats.

Watch this song being made (when the camera wasn’t overheating)