

I was just looking up when I did the Infinity Crystal soundtrack last year — it was a little later in Spring. Which is just as well because this new sequel/prequel/spinoff project I have in mind might take a little longer than that did… but it’s hopefully coming sometime… soon… this Spring?

Another RPG soundtrack (that I plan to put on itch.io as well as bandcamp and streaming etc, so people can use it in their games), this time with a slightly different sound and style. Something a little more “action” and also with more fancy/realistic sounds …. but mainly …. I had the idea to do a score that included:

  1. taiko drums
  2. electric cello

And I’m really pleased how well that’s actually working! Taiko (..and though I’m also looking into the genre and music for real on the side, I’m not writing accurate or drum-only music here; if it’s slightly more in the realms of reality than most of what’s written with like EPIC TRAILER TAIKOS!!!11 that’s good though) broadened into including a few more traditional Japanese instruments (making up something like the ensemble Japan Marvelous Drummers uses for softer numbers). And electric cello brought a general rock band with it, so I also want to feature massive fun electric guitars for this kind of mood.

Field Running
‘Private Words’
‘Rush’ – one of the battle tracks
No title yet, but uses the background countermelody from Private Words and slightly unites the two sides/styles.
Theme: ‘Now is the cherry in blossom’ (ensemble version)

Now is the cherry I actually wrote first as a song! and have recorded and played a couple ways. it’s gonna be a recurring theme in this game and go with some of the relationships/characters 🙂


A few of my albums are up on Spotify now! go here to listen & follow. At the moment we have one album of piano and one of game music, which I guess is a pretty representative sample.

Sorry for the lack of updates here – I have been posting videos on youtube, and also working on a couple of other projects still in progress…

Angel Bird: Space Combat

So, remember “aerial combat” one of the midi tracks I did last week? I’ve made this a whole thing, a whole mini soundtrack thing.

It’s inspired in a general way (and name-wise!) by Keiki Kobayashi’s Ace Combat soundtracks which I hear are really really good, but I’ve so far only listened to one track of them, and the track he did for FFVII:R, The Valkyrie. Then I wrote “The Absolute”, from this soundtrack, decided this was a fighter pilot/space shooter thing and wrote the rest. So I’m not sure how similar Space Combat is to Ace Combat, but…

Mainly, it’s all about the 1990s midi sounds 😀

Project page here.

The Trust of the Tried (Winkworth)

Words by Paul Gerhardt, translated by Catherine Winkworth.

To God’s all-gracious heart and mind
My heart and mind I yield;
In seeming loss my gain I find,
In death, life stands revealed.
I am His own whose glorious throne
In highest heaven is set;
Beneath His stroke or sorrow’s yoke
His heart upholds me yet.

If happy sunshine be Thy gift,
With joy I take it, Lord;
If o’er dark stormy seas I drift,
I hear Thy guiding word;
If lengthened life, with blessings rife,
Before my feet be spread,
So Thou my Guide wilt still abide,
With joy that path I tread.

But must I walk the vale of death
Through sad and sunless ways,
I pass along in quiet faith,
Thy glance my fear allays;
Through the dark land my Shepherd’s hand
Leads to an end so bright,
That I shall there with praise declare
That all God’s ways are right!
Yes I shall there with praise declare
That all God’s ways are right!

MIDI madness!

…yes, midi is standard, not a particular “sound”, but also it kinda is; we know what that means. Plus it’s a catchy title.

These ones in particular I was trying to go for a 90s game midi ‘feel’, very quickly and unabashedly.

Aerial Combat in particular though I kind of am tempted to redo with full sound, even though it also feels very native to this format at the same time, heh.